

Mizuki AITA《Chant/Sutartinés》Program Note

About the Piece/Mizuki AITA

"Chant/Sutartinés" was composed with the special performance "THE PATH OF CH. SUGIHARA" of St. Christopher Chamber Ensemble held in Vilnius, Lithuania on October 8, 2020. In December 2019, the music director of the orchestra, Modestas Barkausukas, received an offer to come to Lithuania again as a guest for the concert with the theme of Chiune Sugihara. It was an unexpected joy. I begged not only to play right away, but also to devote one song to myself. In honor of Chiune Sugihara's 120th birthday, I wanted to write a song in the hope that I would like to convey the will to the next generation and further friendship between Lithuania and Japan.  
The work consists of three parts.  
“Chant I” is a double copy of the medieval melody 《Dievo Motina Mergele》 transmitted to Lithuania and 《Dirahon》 sung as a witchcraft revived in Aogashima, Tokyo. It is intended to exude the melody of the Virgin Mary and the aya of two songs with a mourning spirit.  
In “Chant II”, the vibraphone player calls out the name of each orchestra and plays each phrase in response to it. Eventually, the swell reverberates into a big wave. The act of calling for a name is intended to remind us of the act that Sugihara Chiune himself issued visas to many people.  
”Chant III” is based on the Lithuanian traditional singing style “Sutartinés”, resulting in a festive grand circle while quoting Japanese Bon Odori verses.  
After composing, I would like to thank Koichiro Oguni for his wonderful pure books.  Throughout this work, I continued to pray for the friendship between Lithuania and Japan, and the countries of the world, accepting and understanding the diverse values of each other, holding hands together, and strengthening permanent peace. It is a desire.
I would like to dedicate this work to the conductor and orchestra music director Modestas Barukausukas and Saint Christopher Chamber Ensemble.
Again I believe that we can meet again.


 《Chant/Sutartinés》は2020年10月8日にリトアニア・ヴィリニュスにおいて開催される聖クリストファー室内合奏団特別公演「THE PATH OF CH. SUGIHARA」での上演を念頭において作曲した。2019年12月に楽団音楽監督である指揮者Modestas Barkausukasより、杉原千畝をテーマとした演奏会にゲストとして再びリトアニアに来て欲しいという申し出を受けた。それは望外の喜びであった。私はすぐさま演奏だけでなく、自らも一曲を献呈したいと懇願した。生誕120年となる杉原千畝の功績を讃え、次世代にその意志を伝えること、そしてリトアニアと日本両国のさらなる友情を願って作曲をしたいと思った。  
 “Chant Ⅰ”はリトアニアに伝わる中世の旋律《Dievo Motina Mergele》と東京都青ヶ島に伝わる死者を蘇らせる呪術として歌われた《でぃらほん》が二重写しとなる。聖母マリアを思う旋律と、弔いの精神を持つ二つの楽曲の持つ綾が滲み出ることを意図している。  
 “Chant Ⅱ”はヴィブラフォン奏者が映像上では楽団員一人一人の名前を書き、査証の際に必ず聞く音を思わせる大きな印判を押す。それに呼応する形で奏者はそれぞれの楽句を奏でていく。やがてそのうねりは大きな波となり響き渡る。名前を書くという行為は杉原千畝自身が多くの人々にビザを発給し続けたその行為を追憶する意図を持つ。  
 “Chant Ⅲ”はリトアニアの伝統的な歌唱形式”Startinés”を基に、日本の盆踊りの楽句を引用しながら祝祭的な大団円へと帰結する。  
 この作品を指揮者であり楽団音楽監督であるModestas Barukausukasと聖クリストファー室内合奏団に献呈したい。再び私たちは巡り会うことができると私は信じてやまない。


